Rangiora High School, Rangiora High Website, Rangiora High School North Canterbury New Zealand

Rangiora High School Board Contact


The role of the School Board includes governing the school, and setting its direction.


The members of the School Board are:


Parent Representatives:


 Simon Green 

(Presiding Member)



 Megan McNay

(Deputy Presiding Member)



 Darryn Ward



Carolyn Myall



Michael Sage   


Louise Courtney



Gert Hendriks



School Representatives:

  • Staff Representative - Gillian Koster
  • Student Representative - Alyssa Garrett
  • Principal - Bruce Kearney


The Presiding Member can be contacted at board@rangiorahigh.school.nz


T: +64 3 311 8888

F: +64 3 313 8005


East Belt

Rangiora 7400

New Zealand

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