Rangiora High School, Rangiora High Website, Rangiora High School North Canterbury New Zealand

Rangiora High School - Positive Behaviour for Learning Purpose/Mission


To promote and encourage positive behaviour by empowering all in our Rangiora High School community. We will do this by providing a safe and supportive learning environment which is underpinned by our values of Whakautea (Respect), Tohaina (Contribute), Wawatahia (Aspire).

PB4L focuses on teaching positive behaviour and developing a social culture that supports learning


PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective. The framework is based on international evidence. The Positive Behaviour for Learning School-Wide framework, otherwise known as PB4L School-Wide, is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life. The framework has been be tailored to suit our own school environment and cultural needs. It’s not about changing the students; it’s about changing the environment, systems and practices we have in place to support them to make positive behaviour choices.


Restorative Practices at Rangiora High School


Rangiora High School believes that respectful working relationships are integral to creating a positive social and learning environment.


Restorative Practice is a relational approach to school life based on beliefs about equality, dignity, mana and the potential of all people.


PB4L Restorative Practice focuses on building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships across the whole school community. It also provides schools with a process and tools to manage behaviour adnand restore relationships when things go wrong, using a relational approach.


By building and maintaining positive, respectful relationships within a school, staff to staff, staff to student and student to student, issues are more easily managed. Click here for further information.


Why Restorative? 


At Rangiora High School our Restorative Practice encourages members of our school  community to Reflect / Repair / Reconnect. The focus is on the promotion of high expectations of positive student behaviour.  Actions must focus on positive learning and outcomes for students, where taking responsibility for negative behaviour and developing more social responsibility is the aim.  

Restorative practices can be applied to a wide variety of events that can occur in schools, ranging from ongoing classroom disruption to incidents of serious physical, social and/or emotional harm.  Repairing relationships and those affected working out solutions together, is at the heart of this practice.


We strive for the promotion of well-being, resilience and connectedness for all students.







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Rangiora 7400

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