Rangiora High School, Rangiora High Website, Rangiora High School North Canterbury New Zealand

Student & Parent Portal


Rangiora High School's online Student & Parent Portal enables parents and caregivers to login and view live data on their child's attendance, timetable, results, groups or teams, and fees (paid and owed).


Parents and caregivers are also able to view the school's daily notices, the school calendar, their child's contact details and download PDF copies of their child's reports.


The Portal is also used for online course selection in Term 3 of each year.


The online Portal can be accessed via the Portal button/link both at the top and bottom of this website.  Alternatively you can visit: www.rangiorahigh.school.kiwi


Portal passwords are provided via email to the parents and caregivers of current Year 9-13 students.  Parents and caregivers of students enrolling from Year 8 will also be supplied with their passwords for course selection.  These passwords are generated automatically by our Student Management Software, KAMAR.


Should you need assistance with the Portal, please telephone the school office on 03 311 8888.



T: +64 3 311 8888

F: +64 3 313 8005


East Belt

Rangiora 7400

New Zealand

Konstruk Content Management System