Rangiora High School, Rangiora High Website, Rangiora High School North Canterbury New Zealand

Kia Eke Panuku

Ma te rongo ka mōhio - Through perception comes awareness

Ma te mōhio ka marama - Through awareness comes understanding
Ma te marama ka matau - Through understanding comes knowledge
Ma te matau ka ora -  Through knowledge comes well being


Who we are?


Rangiora High School has a team dedicated to addressing the aspirations of our community by supporting Māori students to pursue their potential. Kaitoro (facilitators), school leaders, teachers and student leaders collaboratively build their capacity and capability in culturally responsive and relational practices. The Kia Eke Panuku Strategic Change Leadership Team facilitates Professional Learning work in the school.



Our Kaupapa & Principles


Cultural Relationships for Responsive Pedagogy:



Our Goals & Strategies


  • Māori students achieving success as Māori

  • Connecting with whānau and our community

  • Developing our teachers’ skills and knowledge

  • Collaboration with Mahaanui Mātauraka and the Tuahiwi Education Committee

  • Supporting the delivery of Te Reo me ona tikanga in the school for all learners


Our Activities


  • Whānau Hui

  • Noho Marae

  • Classroom observation

  • Shadow coaching

  • Te Reo learning - Te Wānanga o Aotearoa 

  • Treaty Workshops

  • Critical cycles of inquiry

  • Professional Learning around Tiriti O Waitangi

T: +64 3 311 8888

F: +64 3 313 8005


East Belt

Rangiora 7400

New Zealand

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