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Gateway Programme 
Gateway is a Tertiary Education Commission funded programme with a number of places available each year. Interested students must discuss their career ideas and plans with the Gateway Coordinator in the Gateway office (opposite Gym 3), to make sure this programme will be suitable for them before they make an application.
For more detailed information on Gateway please contact Miss Michele Atkins on 03 3118888, extension 2601.
- provides students with structured workplace learning in local businesses while they continue to study at school.
- is designed to strengthen the pathway for students to progress from school to workplace learning.
- delivers hands on, practical learning that leads to nationally recognised industry qualification, as well as NCEA.
- builds students’ workplace experiences, helping them move smoothly from school to work.
- is aligned with Vocational Pathways.
Gateway is available to support senior secondary students (Year 11, 12, 13) who are focussed on further training towards employment and or tertiary. Students are required to...
- be “work ready”.
- work one day a week in a workplace.
- achieve a minimum of 20 industry credits for NCEA in this programme.
Benefits for students include...
- an opportunity to build skills for employment and work in real workplaces.
- an opportunity to work in their preferred career and build links to Industry Training Organisations, apprenticeships and workplaces.
Gateway is managed by the Gateway Coordinator who selects the students from applications received in Term 3. Each student has an individual learning programme.