Rangiora High School, Rangiora High Website, Rangiora High School North Canterbury New Zealand


You can email the Director of International Students at international@rangiorahigh.school.nz

Who Looks After You?


The Director of International Students, Mrs Bettina Gohl, is responsible for ensuring that international students are well looked after.


Homestay is arranged by the school. All homes are carefully chosen and close liaison is maintained. Our International Manager, Mrs Leigh Miller, will select the right host family for our international students and support them throughout their stay.


Advice and guidance on course selection and preparation for university is available from the Director of International Students.


Students are met at the airport and taken to homestays.


Experienced and qualified teachers offer English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programmes up to TOEFL level, for up to 8 hours per week.


Students are accepted at every level from Year 9 to 13.





T: +64 3 311 8888

F: +64 3 313 8005


East Belt

Rangiora 7400

New Zealand

Christchurch Website Development